Bo Ackerman with FC/AFC
Early Times, Judge Tom Oswald,
Lisa Pollock with FC
Diamond Hill She’s Gone, Judge Roger Duerksen, Dr. Jim Carter with
2013 Brittany International Gun Dog Classic
Tommy Thomas with GCH TNT’s Raise’N A Ruckus, Linda Thomas, Dan Voss,
Lisa Pollock with FC Diamond Hill Deuce’s Gone Wild, Bob Burchett,
Val Weaver with FC Rocklan’s Whizzle Stop, Cindy Findley, Paul Pollock with Diamond Hill She’s Gone, Ken Windom
This year’s judges were Cindy Findley from Ventura, IA and Don Voss from St. Francis, MN. Both highly respected Setter folks, they gave all the dogs their full consideration. We’d also like to that Linda Thomas, Bill Hancock, Mickey Condron and Jill Schaefer for driving the dog wagon and attending to the road guard duties.
This year’s Winner was GCH TNT’s Raise’ N A Ruckus, owned and handled by Tommy Thomas of Somonauk, IL. The 4-year-old orange and white bitch is sired by Tommy’s retired All Age dog DC Havapal’s Renegade Billy Boy. She put on a very convincing performance and has been on a roll this spring. This win also finished Rae’s FC title, making her a Dual Champion! Runner-up honors went to FC Diamond Hill Deuce’s Gone Wild, owned by Paul and Lisa Pollock, and handled by Lisa. Third place went to FC Rocklan’s Whizzle Stop, owned by Marge and John Sauer and handled by Bob Burchett. Forth place was awarded to FC Diamond Hill She’s Gone, owned by the Pollock’s, and handled by Lisa. Current ABC President Ken Windom was on hand to award the placements. Details of all the performances follow.
Brace 1 Sniksoh Little Diamond (Kate) – Burchett and TNT’s Shoshoni Shake’n Bake (Bubba) - Thomas
Both dogs broke hard and fast, covering every square inch of the break away field. At 5, Kate was seen standing on the front hedgerow of the orchard. As we rode toward her, Bubba came in for a back. Bubba scored a find along the right cedar edge of the orchard at 7, while Kate drove for the front. As he caught the front, Bubba backed Kate’s second find at the feeder before the old barn. Kate’s pattern got a little wide, and sometimes inconsistent, but her bird work was very stylish and tight. She had 3 more finds before her hour was up. Across the road, Bubba went missing in the cedars on the east side. Kate finished the hour at a slower pace.
Brace 2 Sniksoh Windtuck Willy (Willy) – Burchett and Diamond Hill Deuce’s Gone Wild (Cooter) - Pollock
This brace started at the keyhole, heading north. Both dogs reached for an edge and showed well for their handlers. They were both gathered at the road and sent to work on the north side. They both continued to show well on the big edges toward the orchard. Cooter was found standing on the east side of the orchard hedgerow. While the birds were worked for Cooter, Willy made his way down to the double creek crossing. Cooter caught the front and was found standing by the feeder before the old barn. Garmin was called for Willy after the old barn. Cooter had 3 more stylish finds before we reached the fields heading for camp. He finished well, using the edge on the west side.
Brace 3 Rico’s Hi-Proof Bootlegger (Mason) – Burchett and Pursuit’s Flashy Chick (Bonnie) - Trafton
After Lunch we broke on the all age course. Both broke strong and were out of sight as we approached the keyhole. As we headed down the terrace, Mason was leashed and point was called for Bonnie just off the edge of the finger below the keyhole. After the find, Bonnie was sent on. She was fast and forward, but somewhat erratic in her pattern. At 40, scout found Bonnie standing in the orchard cedars. Bonnie scored another find at 53 in the cedars before the old barn. She finished the hour as we approached the old barn.
Brace 4 Crescent City Girl (Nola) – Burchett and TNT’s Raise’N A Ruckus (Rae) - Thomas
Both dogs broke well, taking the north fence line. At 7, Rae had a find on the feed strip by the gun dog breakaway. Nola rimmed the edges on the west side and hit point on the top of the hill before heading down to the ditch. She was leashed for an aggressive mark on the flush. Meanwhile, Rae had another find in the ditch. After the creek crossing, Rae made her way through the orchard where she had another find on the east end of the fence line at 19. She continued by rimming the fields back toward camp, and was gathered to cross the road. Rae showed well at the all age breakaway, and was found standing again on the west side of the keyhole at 32. She had 2 more finds, and covered the course well from west to east. At time, Rae stretched for the north south edge of the all age course.
Brace 5 Sniksoh Sally (Sally) – Burchett and BBB’s Flashy Rose (Roxie) - Trafton
Started from camp. At 5, both dogs were seen around the east side of the orchard. Both were running hard, and went out of sight quickly. Roxie made her way down through the orchard, and took the wrong path, she quickly corrected her maneuver, taking the path to the east in the double creek crossing. She caught the front without her handler, and was last seen heading south on the northeast fence line. When she didn’t obey her handler’s direction, handler opted to pick up. Meanwhile, Sally was still missing and Bob called for the tracker after the old barn.
Brace 6 Rocklan’s Whizzle Stop (Whiz) – Burchett and Diamond Hill She’s Gone (Cleo) – Pollock
Set loose Tuesday morning about 9 am, these 2 dogs didn’t waste any time. Through the orchard and onto the double creek crossing, they both hunted the likely bird locations. Whiz had the first find at the ditch on the north side after the barn. Cleo came from the south edge and headed up for the alfalfa field. At the far end of the field, Cleo was found standing, with Whiz honoring her find. After the find, both dogs rimmed the western edges and made there way back toward the orchard. Whiz had a brief absence in the orchard, while Cleo worked the west side edges as we headed for camp. Whiz rejoined the brace as we approached the keyhole. Cleo made a big cast down to the church corner and was seen on point in the distance. We watched as Whiz came in for the back. Each dog had another find and finished the hour at a shorter range.
Brace 7 Ricochet Gunsmoke’s Mr. Dillon (Dillon) – Burchett and Dr. Block’s Reacher (Reacher) – Tafton.
Breaking from the keyhole, these 2 dogs had some trouble getting started in the right direction. They were both fast on the ground, but slightly erratic. Reacher was not pleasing his handler and was leashed at the orchard. Dillon went on to finish the hour with 1 stylish find.
Brace 8 Touch of Bourbon Little Chug (Carson) – Burchett and TNT’s Renegade Gal Pal (Addie) – Thomas.
We broke from the church corner heading for the keyhole. Carson had a find at 5 on the west side of the keyhole. At 15, he has another find before the orchard. After the double creek crossing, both dogs hunted the likely spots. At 26, Addie had a nice find in the ditch after the old barn. Carson marked the flight of his find at 34 on the feed strip by the gun dog breakaway. After we crossed the road, Carson had another find on the west side of the keyhole. With only minutes to go, Addie knocked a bird on the terrace before the pond while Carson cast off with his own agenda.
Brace 9 Wrigley’s Bodemeister (Bode) – Burchett and St. Claire’s Prince Rocco Vulcano (Rocco) – St. Claire.
Broke from camp after lunch. Rocco hit point at the orchard at 3. Bode scored his first find at 10 in a feed strip before the old barn. Both dogs kept a snappy, fast moving, pace. At 26 Bode had another find in the field past the orchard hedgerow. Across the road, Rocco hit point at 42 on the west side of the keyhole, and again at a brush pile on the south side, which he did not handle in a mannerly fashion. Bode finished the hour well, lacking the application the judges were looking for.
Brace 10 Blazin’ Shadows Bama Jama (Jammie) – Burchett.
Jammie broke from the keyhole heading north. She was very quick on the ground, but needed a little more application. She had a very stylish find at the feed strip by the gun dog breakaway, showing excellent manners as the bird flush over her head.
Brace 11 Hi Points Mad Dash (Dash) – Burchett
Dash had 1 find, but was leashed early, as he was not pleasing his handler.