The International
Brittany Club
Ohio - Pennsylvania - West
Home of The The
International Brittany Championships and Classics
2014 International Brittany Classics
ABC International Grand Champion Open All Age ClassicRight to left: Gene Stewart with Winner Uncle Kracker, Tom Tracy with R/U Jagoub’s Buzz’N Bayou,
and Bodie Ryan Cline Appleton with Fat BastardThe
American Brittany Club International Brittany Classics moved back to
Ohio this year. The series of ABC Regional Classics were
held in conjunction with the PA Shooting Dog Classic, and the Buckeye,
Ohio and Kentucky Brittany club trials in late March. The cluster
of events began at the Tri Valley field trial grounds in Dresden, OH
and finished up at the Mingo Sportsman club in Bloomingdale, OH.
All of this year’s stakes were run as Grand Champion limited stakes.
a year that saw numerous cancellations, postponements, and delays due
to the weather, we consider ourselves very fortunate to have completed
all stakes with great entries. We saw every type of weather
imaginable; the good, the bad, and the ugly!
There are many
people to thank for their efforts to put this trial on. At the
top of the list is our sponsor. Purina has always been there with
their generous donation of dog food for our winners. We’d like to
thank the Ohio Brittany Club for allowing us to run our Amateur All Age
Championship as part of their trial in Dresden. Members of the PA
Brittany Championship Association and Kentucky Brittany Club were on
hand to help with the running of the trial at Mingo. The Mingo
Sportsman Club offered an excellent venue to run dogs. We’d like
to thank Bill Monk and the members at Mingo who worked so hard and made
us feel welcome. Plans are already in the works for next year’s
Ohio Brittany Club Grand Champion Amateur Limited All Age Stake winners:Chancey’s Frozen Asset with Bo Ackerman, Judge Tony Giovinale, Troy Hoverter with Maximum Overdrive,
Judge Wade Haines, Lisa Pollock with Diamond Hill Deuce’s Gone Wild, John Perry with Marjo’s Leftover.Judges
this year’s for the Amateur All Age Championship were Wade Haines and
Tony Giovinale. Fifteen dogs went to the line for these 2
respected judges. We’d like to thank them for looking at our dogs
in some brutally cold and windy conditions.
This year’s
Amateur Champion was Chancey’s Frozen Asset, owned by Jack and Crystal
Alexander, and handled by Jack. Maggie put on a strong
performance that was hard to beat. Missing shortly after
breakaway, she was found standing to the front after her absence.
She finished the hour strong. Runner up was Maximum Overdrive II,
owned and handled by Troy Hoverter. Max had 2 well spaced finds
and showed well at the finish. Third place honors went to Diamond
Hill Deuces Gone Wild, owned by Paul and Lisa Pollock, handled by
Lisa. Forth place went to Marjo’s Leftover, owned by Danielle
Perry and handled by John Perry.
ABC International Grand Champion Gun Dog Classic – Ron Zook Memorial Tom Tracy with Dakota Gun Runner’s Buckshot, Val Weaver with Touch of Bourbon Little Chug, Bob Burchett,
Bode Ryan Cline Appleton with Chesterfield’s Molly, Lisa Pollock with Diamond Hill She’s Gone After
the Ohio Brittany Club weekend trial, we moved to the Mingo Sportsman
Club to complete the series. Monday morning was bitter cold, but
the temperatures warmed up quickly. Judges for the ABC
International Shooting Dog Classic were Cliff Mesnard and Ted
Goodyear. Twenty-eight contenders went to the line. This
year’s Champion was Dakota Gun Runner’s Buckshot. Buck is owned
by Jim Berkowitz of Georgia and handled by Tom Tracy Jr. Runner
up was Touch of Bourbon Little Chug. Coming off his win in last
weeks PA Shooting Dog Championship, Carson is off to a great start for
owner Tom Wonderling and handler Bob Burchett. Third place went
to Chesterfield’s Molly, owned by Bo Ackerman and handled by Tom Tracy
Jr. Diamond Hill She’s Gone, owned by Paul and Lisa Pollock and
handled by Lisa rounded out the field in forth place. On a side
note, I believe that “Carson’s” win in the PA Classic and Runner up in
the International Classic finished him as one of the first Brittany
Grand Field Champions. Congratulations to the Wonderlings!
I’d like to thank Helen Riggle enduring the not so pleasant weather conditions to give us a full report of this stake.
Brace 1: Rico’s Hi Proof Bootlegger, “Mason”- Burchett & Dakota Gun Runner’s Buckshot, “Buck”- Tracy This
was the brace to be in attendance for. Both dogs took off the
line like rocket ships on the highest octane fuel. At 7 minutes,
Mason was seemingly out of pocket as he swung high and to the left of
the of the course as he hunted the first available wood line with glee.
He was rounded up and pointed forward, catching the front at 15,
maintaining a fast forward race the rest of his time on the
ground. At 18 Mason had his first bird which he pointed and held
with high style, taking a small step to mark the bird. A second
find at 33 resulted in a small hop and he came unglued on the third at
47 when he succumbed to temptation and chased the bird up at the
shot. Meanwhile Buck was putting on a show. His fast
forward race kept the judges attention with his big run and zest for
the fun. He had his first bird at 7, and a second at 33,
finishing his hour as strong, if not stronger then when he started.
Brace 2: Touch of Bourbon Little Chug, “Carson”- Burchett & Whiskey’s Little Tip, “Tip”-JohnsonCarson
and Tip kept the judges attention from the get go. With a fast
paced run, both dogs took the front early and set the pace at a good
clip. This was a fun brace to witness, however, Tip gave the
limelight to Carson by getting gone on deer at 10, returning to the
front and judgment at 35, but he was birdless for the entire
hour. Carson held a forward race, had his first bird at 35 taking
small step at the flush. His second bird at 46 was held with
perfect manners and he finished his hour going strong and away to the
Brace 3: Ricochet Gunsmokes Mr. Dillon, “Dillon”-Burchett & Shady’s Wolf River Chickasaw, “Chick”- JohnsonBoth
dogs hunted hard off the line. Dillon would have a find at 43 but was
picked up at 47 for a failure to back his bracemate. Chick went
straight to work which resulted in a non productive at 18, a find at 43
and again at 47. She would end her brace early at 51 with a bump
to flush.
Brace 4: High Hopes Dark Nite, “Joe”-Johnson & Agustus of Tiger, “Gus” – TracyJoe
and Gus showed the judges that run was and could be fun. Unfortunately
for Gus his bog forward race would be just that, a race and he would go
birdless for his entire hour. Joey on the other hand, had a nice
find at 18 that resulted in a hawk kill, another find at 51 that proved
to be a pair of dead birds who had succumbed to the cold and weather
and was picked up at 58 by his handler who knew he would not be in the
money on this day.
Brace 5: Wild Mtn’s Midnight Rendezvous “Josey”-Burchett & Jazz’s Sweetest Little Secret “Karo”- JohnsonBoth
dogs had a good start, hitting the trail in pure hunting mode.
Josey’s range was shorter then Karo’s but both dogs went straight to
work. At 36 Josey was picked up for a bump to flush and Karo
would continue on the course alone. At 18 she had a nice find that
resulted in a self release to relocate the bird which knocked the rest
of her nice ground game performance out of contention.
Brace 6: Lost Creek cast A Shadow, “Cooper”-Burchett & TLM Tall Tale, “Sam”- TracyNot
much to say about these two. Copper was picked up at 18 and Sam
was picked up at 7 for lack of manners on their birds. It was a
short brace.
Brace 7: Sniksoh Sally, “Sally”-Burchett & Diamond Hill Deuce’s Gone Wild, “Cooter”-PollockThese
two dogs took off the starting line on a mission. Cooter would
take an early lead, getting out of pocket by taking a wide swing to the
South, covering ground and hunting hard. He was seen at 12 coming
up the first wood line by the judges and this reporter, charging hard
to the front . He maintained his hard charge for 44 minutes when
the handler elected to pick him for his non participation in the
teamwork department. Sally on the other hand hunted nicely,
covering ground, staying forward and showing how seasoned she was at
the game. She had her first bird at 20, a dead find at 28, and at
44 took the reins and scooped a bird to bring to her handler for
a lovely retrieve.
Brace 8: Chesterfield’s Molly “Molly”-Tracy & Legacy’s Time Bandit “Bandit”-JohnsonA
hard launch off the break away took these two out and running in short
order. Molly kept her forward race although she would give her
handler a pretty good stretch on that handle with one piece of solid
birdwork at 41 minutes to show for her efforts. She hunted hard
and kept everyone perched high in the saddle to watch her
performance. Bandit, too kept a nice forward race with his first
point called at 8 minutes in a hawk kill. At 33 his point and
subsequent relocation resulted in a Non Productive, and the handler
elected to pick him up.
Brace 9: Harper’s Windy City Harley Quinn “Harley”-Burchett & Diamond Hill She’s Gone “Cleo”-PollockCleo
would give the judges a very pretty performance on the ground,
maintaining a forward ground game showing not only her bid ability but
also her high style on her one find at 9 minutes. With lots of go
juice left at the end of her hour, she kept a nice consistent pace all
the way around the course. Harley on the other hand kept pace
with Cleo, showing a pretty forward race, lots of power for the hour
but he would ultimately go birdless.
Brace 10: Blazin Shadows Bama Jama “Jammie”-Burchett & Roustabout’s Nes Quick “Nestle”-TracyNot
a brace that merited much notation. Both dogs had the best of
intentions at the break away, taking off with purpose, however Jammie
was not up to her usual snappy performance and was picked up at 20
minutes. Nestle too would fail to give us much to watch until the
bird at 20 that was too much to resist.
Brace 11: Starlight’s Billion Times Brighter, “Billie”-Burchett & Lost Creek Streak, “Streak”-TracyAnother
quick brace. Billie had a failure to launch, with a dead bird
find at 9, and was picked up at 15. Streak took off the line hard
but ripped a small covey at 10 and was ordered up.
Brace 12: TNT’s Blazin Shoshoni Shake N’ Bake, “Bubba”-Thomas & Hi Hope’s Big Gamble, “Riley”-JohnsonBubba
and Riley took off the start with gusto. Riley gained steam
taking the front early and keeping it. He had a find at 8, again
at 20, & a third at 41 with a hard mark to flight on this last
one. He scorched the course and showed everyone what a
championship ground game can look like. Bubba had a bird at 8,
handling it well with his style and manner in order. He was
picked up at 42 when he ran out of gas.
Brace 13: Wrigley’s Bodemeister, “Bode”-Burchett & Corredor Dorado, “Dexter”-TracyAfter
a powerful launch from the break away, these two dogs settled in to
hunt. Bode charged hard, slamming point at 8 on aw feather
pile. He was released where he took his head again but at 20 was
picked up for jumping in and putting the bird in the air. Dexter
sailed the course, staying well to the front . As we reached the
big pond, he had slipped out of handle and needed to be scouted
up. Upon his return it was evident that his ears had fallen off
and the handler elected to pick the boy up and try again another day.
Brace 14: Wild Mtn Head Em Up-Move Em Out, “Rowdy”-Burchett & Wild Mtn’s All That, “Tucker”- RiggleThese
two Liver boys went head to head from the get go. A couple of Screamin
Demons, swapping the front between them in a head race which didn’t
last but 28 minutes when neither of them remembered their bird manners.
The Open All Age Classic followed under the jurisdiction of
Jim Wallace and Chris Youngs. These two men gave their complete
attention to the 22 entries, once again, under some very unpleasant
weather conditions. Snow flurries on the second morning turned to
a white out in the middle of the first brace. After a 3 hour
wait, the sun came out and by day’s end you would never have know it
snowed! Welcome to Ohio in March!
This year’s Champion was
Uncle Kracker, owned by Bo Ackerman and handled by Tom Tracy, Jr.
Tracy also handled the Runner up, Jagoub’s Buzz’N Bayou, owned by Tom
and Debra Jagielski. Third place went to Kinwashkly Fat Bastard,
owned by Bo Ackerman and Leslie Andreas and handled by Tracy. Bob
Burchett handled forth place finisher Crescent City Girl for owners
Barry ad Petra Steinmetz.
We’d once again like to thank all that made these events possible and hope to see everyone back next year!